「伊瑪牌imarflex」代理商已知悉產品 IFQ-243R “伊瑪牌”『極‧龍卷』9吋遙控全方位循環扇,有個別零件質量與認證出現少許偏差,為求精益求精,達至更高標準,將為消費者提供免費檢查及更換服務。
產品本身已獲得香港安全認證HKS。同時亦已向消費者委員會提供相關的安全測試報告及證書。上述需要更換零件之產品,只包括部份批次(機身編號由1510O060665至1510O061664) ,其餘批次及其他型號產品均未受影響。

The “伊瑪牌imarflex” agent has been informed about product IFQ-243R ‘Imarflex’ 9-inch remote control oscillating fan, which is slight deviations in the quality and certification of individual components. In order to pursue excellence and achieve higher standards, we will provide consumers with free inspection and parts replacement services.
The product itself has obtained the Hong Kong Safety Certification (HKS). We have also provided the relevant safety test reports and certificates to the Consumer Council. The products that require component replacement only include a specific batch (serial numbers from 1510O060665 to 1510O061664). Other batches and models are not affected.
Consumers who have purchased the related models can contact us at 2422-1244 for further assistance. We have always been committed to providing the highest quality products and excellent services to all Hong Kong citizens. Therefore, if we have caused any inconvenience to you, we sincerely apologize.